Monday, February 9, 2009

This is bigger than I thought.

First, a plug for my flickr. I think I got some pretty nice photos up from my past trip to the States.

My Flickr

So you know how I feel about the "eurasia revolution" correct? Well I did some more research, and after visiting their site I was shocked to see how radical these people are. I hate to point out people's ignorance, but the idea of combining marxism, nationalism, secularism, and nihilism, it just isn't sane! It all seems like political dribble that has no real substance used to warp the minds of those looking for any type of answer. Obviously I know that the answer they seek is the Lord, but figures like Mark Savin are always there to manipulate the minds of the lost. I always thought my brother would know better than to trust this "false prophet," but I cannot blame him. We all stray from the path sometimes, and it is my job to guide them back. I know my brother will probably read this and dismiss me as being "naive" just because I'm younger, but I promise you Kazimir, I will show you why this revolution is so dangerous.

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